Interviews with members of Season 1 SLG teams

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We here at Blog of Legends were fortunate enough to get some great interviews with many players on the various teams in Super League Gaming’s Season 1 City Champs tournament.

It’s not easy to play League of Legends at a competitive level. It takes a ton of time, effort, and of course, lots of practice to be ready for anything in the Fields of Justice. Such is the case for all the teams in Super League Gaming‘s Season 1 City Champs tournament that just transpired in early December.

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Even though the Chicago Force won the tournament, all the players in each team truly were competitive and offered some great gaming moments. I was lucky enough to get to interview several players from each team to get their insight on the tournament, what advice they would give to fellow Summoners and of course, their favorite moments from the City Champs tournament.

Chicago Fire

Theodore Laleian

Summoner Name: Dubble Dee

Age: 19

Position: Jungle

Who is your main champion and why? Hecarim. He is very outgoing and tramples over people, like me on Black Friday.

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Vision is the key to winning games.

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? The pentakill and massive comeback from rank day game 1.

Jensen Fryman

Summoner Name: Snowwyyy

Age: 17

Position: Bot

Who is your main champion and why? Kalista or Twitch because I like how she jumps around and how Twitch talks.

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Side step Veigar stuns

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Probably going 3-1 in ranking day and getting on Team D.

Dallas Dynamite

Rasif Hussain

Summoner Name: rowsif

Age: 20

Position: Jungle

Who is your main champion and why? Miss Fortune

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? If you get auto filled to support, build Sightstone.

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Meeting my team and synergising over pluckers.

Victoria St. John

Summoner Name: Fortis pugna

Age: 24

Position: Bot

Who is your main champion and why? Sivir because spell shield in assassin meta.

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Do custom matches to work on cs mechanics to make sure you can last hit. Beyond that, if you are a support please buy a sightstone.

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Making so many friends. I have loved that other players in other cities have reached out on social media and the amount of comradery that is promoted at these events.

Los Angeles Shockwaves

Alex Whieldon

Summoner Name: (not provided)

Age: 25

Position: Support

Who is your main champion and why? Nautilus because he can be extremely tanky while being a playmaker.

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Play to have fun and enjoy the game, win or lose. In the end, it is a game so make sure it’s fun!

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Having DC’d in one game and still managing to get a kill on the enemy since I was Nautilus under a tower.

Jose Cabanas

Summoner Name: Godsblindspot

Age: 29

Position: Support

Who is your main champion and why? Zyra, because she can help Cary a noob AD

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be?  Play, play, play. You only get better when you put hours of practice.

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? My favorite part was being able to play the game with a goal! sometimes we play LoL with just trying to get better in solo queue but this was a chance to play the game for a reason…in a league…for our city!

Alexander Madrigal

Summoner Name: StCp King

Age: 18

Position: Jungle

Who is your main champion and why? Shyvanna, because she can take and deal massive amounts of damage, also she’s a dragon!

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Always communicate with your team.

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Meeting new people, and making new friends.

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Chaska Taylor

Summoner Name: fruitling

Age: 20

Position: Support

Who is your main champion and why? Karma because she’s got a lot of utility and she’s very aggressive in lane

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Have a relaxed and laid back attitude towards the game

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Learning how to save my teammates in the worst of situations, I have become a better player through scrims.

Nathaniel Buckhorn

Summoner Name: Wonderimpulse

Age: 19

Position: Bot

Who is your main champion and why? Jinx because her passive makes it so exciting to take turrets and kill enemies

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Be happy but don’t forget to analyze and learn from you mistakes

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Winning our first game as a team. It was such a close game and felt amazing to win.

Miami Menace

Christina “Dia” Inget

Summoner Name: Dragon Opal

Age: 16

Position: Bot

Who is your main champion and why? In the bot lane, my main is Jhin. If I’m gonna make a mess, at least someone will admire it as art.

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Never surrender, always ward, and always push when you have numbers on them.

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? On ranking day an Orianna took me from 100 to 0 in .5 seconds. That Orianna wound up on my team.

Brian Omlang

Asian Brom

Age: 16

Position: Bot

Who is your main champion and why? Jhin, because instead of being the AD carry a lot I like to be providing support with the backline for my team with his kit.

If you had one tip to offer Summoner’s across the globe on how to get better in League, what would it be? Communication

What has been your favorite moment so far while getting ready for City Champs? Being able to be here meeting all these people and learning how to play the game better with my team.