Analyzing the massive 7.2 League patch update

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League of Legends dropped their massive 7.2 patch update that nerfs several champions, fixes items, and dramatically changes Courage of the Colossus.

With Summoners all across the globe enjoying the LCS Spring Split, League of Legends once again dropped a massive patch update in the month of January. This time around, many changes to champions have hit and popular abilities have been nerfed.

The 7.2 patch update brings many changes to Lethality, Courage of the Colossus, and Ghost. Here’s the full 7.2 patch update directly from League below.



Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun, will be updated with the launch of patch 7.2!


R – Shadow Dance

RATIO: 0.25 ability power ⇒ 0.35 ability power


Passive – Hemorrhage

Bonus attack damage reduced by 10 from levels 1 – 14.

NOXIAN MIGHT BONUS (LV 1-6): 40/40/45/45/45/45 attack damage ⇒30/30/35/35/35/35 attack damage

NOXIAN MIGHT BONUS (LV 7-13): 50/60/70/80/90/100/110 attack damage⇒ 40/50/60/70/80/90/100 attack damage

NOXIAN MIGHT BONUS (LV 14-18):120/140/160/180/200 bonus attack damage (unchanged)

Q – Decimate

HANDLE DAMAGE: 50% of blade damage ⇒ 35% of blade damage


Armor increased. Heal on passive increased.


ARMOR26 ⇒ 29

Passive – Happy Hour

HEAL ON CAST: 4% of maximum health ⇒ 6% of maximum health


True Grit refreshes off any instance of damage.

E – Quickdraw

BUGFIX-FIX: True Grit’s duration is refreshed by Graves’s basic attacks against non-minions ⇒ basic attacks and spells against non-minions


E ratio down.

E – Shunpo

RATIO: 0.65 total attack damage ⇒ 0.5 total attack damage


Passive damage up, Q mana cost reduced.

Passive – Pix, Faerie Companion

DAMAGE: 9-105 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 15-117 (at levels 1-18)

CONSISTENT PIX: Pix’s damage now increases every level, rather than every two levels

Q – Glitterlance

COST: 60/65/70/75/80 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana

Master Yi

Double Strike no longer fizzles if the first hit kills a unit. Meditate pauses E and R durations and stacks Double Strike.

Passive – Double Strike

NEW LIKE LUCIAN: If Double Strike’s first hit kills a unit, the second strike now searches for a new target within 300 range (prioritizes killing blows)

W – Meditate

NEW QUIET!: Channeling Meditate pauses the durations of E – Wuju Style and R – Highlander

NEW I’M MEDITATING: Now grants Master Yi 1 stack of Double Strike per second while channeling

More from Blog of Legends


Base health and Human E’s heal up. Human W now functions like wards.


BASE HEALTH: 511 ⇒ 540

W – Bushwhack

NEW BUSHWHARDS: Traps are now invisible, have 3 health, and are disabled by control wards

MAXIMUM TRAPS: Unlimited ⇒ 4/6/8/10 at levels 1/6/11/16

E – Primal Surge

MINIMUM BASE HEAL: 25/45/65/85/105 ⇒ 35/55/75/95/115

MAXIMUM BASE HEAL: 50/90/130/170/210 ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230


E damage down, now has an AD ratio.

E – Sweeping Blade

DAMAGE: 70/90/110/130/150 ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100

NEW RATIO: Now has an 0.2 bonus attack damage ratio (does not increase with stacks of Sweeping Blade)



Lethality’s base effectiveness up.

BASE EFFECTIVENESS: Lethality immediately grants 40% ⇒ 60% of its value as flat armor penetration. The remainder scales with enemy champion level.

EXAMPLE: 10 lethality now grants 6 flat armor penetration up front plus 0.22 per enemy level, capping at the full 10 once enemies are level 18

Duskblade of Draktharr

Damage after having not been seen increased.


Edge of Night

Active cooldown reduced.

COOLDOWN: 45 seconds ⇒ 30 seconds

NINJA SHIELD: Using Edge of Night’s active ability while Invisible/Camouflaged will no longer break the stealth.

Hextech Gunblade

Active damage reduced at early levels.

ACTIVE DAMAGE: 250 at all levels ⇒ 175-250 (at levels 1-18)


Health down. Heal down at lower levels. Mana regeneration up.

HEALTH: 400 ⇒ 300

MANA REGENERATION: +75% base mana regen ⇒ +125% base mana regen

HEAL: 130 + 20 per target level (150 – 490) ⇒ 40 + 25 per target level (65 – 490)

Knight’s Vow

Cost down.

COMBINE COST: 800 ⇒ 700

TOTAL COST: 2400 ⇒ 2300

Eye of the Equinox

Cost increased. Cooldown reduction added.

COMBINE COST: 550 ⇒ 650

TOTAL COST: 2200 ⇒ 2300


Ardent Censer

Attack speed and health drain buffs now scale with target’s level.

ATTACK SPEED BUFF: 20% ⇒ 20% – 35% based on target’s level

HEALTH DRAIN BUFF: 20 ⇒ 20 – 35 based on target’s level

Chalice of Harmony

Magic resist up.


Athene’s Unholy Grail



Mikael’s Crucible

Also spillover.


Summoner’s Rift

Jungle Tuning

Jungle monsters spawn three seconds later.






NEWRUNNING OUT OF BREATH: Attack damage decreases over the first five attacks to 50 (matching Gromp’s decaying attack speed over the first five attacks)

NEWBOOM BOOM: Gromp’s first two attacks are now shown as critical strikes

Ancient Krug



INITIAL SPAWN TIMER: Between 5:00 and 5:30 ⇒ 6:00 and 6:30

Rift Scuttler

Rift Scuttlers now eat nearby Honeyfruit. If you kill them while they’re eating, you have no heart.

Courage of the Colossus

Duration down. Base shield now scales with number of nearby opponents.

SHIELD DURATION: 4 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds

BASE SHIELD: 10-180 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 3 – 54 (at levels 1-18) per enemy champion (maximum 15 – 270)


Ghost takes time to ramp up to its maximum movement speed.

NEW 0-60 IN TWO SECONDS: Ghost’s movement speed now ramps up over the first two seconds, rather than activating instantly

“Revealed” Indicator

Scryer’s Bloom now uses “Revealed” particle. “Revealed” particle simplified.

SCRYER’S EYES: Units revealed by Scryer’s Bloom now display “Revealed” particles

EYEDROPS: “Revealed” indicator particles have been simplified to be less distracting

League Client Update

Below are the major features added to the League client update this patch.

NEW MOVABLE CHAT: Players can now pop out the chat window, move and resize it.

NEW NEWS TO ME: Later this patch we’ll be introducing the “NEWS” tab to the updated client. This will act as a hub for players to catch up on the latest on League of Legends and community creations from within the client.

Notable fixes

  • The stat icons on rune pages have been replaced with text for improved clarity
  • Later in the patch, we’re aiming to fix a bug that highlights club messages as unread, even when you’ve read them
  • Instructions have been added for how to fill (i.e., Shift+click) runes to speed up rune page building
  • Improvements have been made that should allow streamers to use the windowed capture mode in popular streaming software

Highlights Video Recording Settings

We’ve added the ability to manually toggle the video quality for recording Highlights from your Replays. Before you start a video recording, you can alter video and audio quality, vertical resolution and frame rate via the Video tab in the Options menu.

To record a Highlight while viewing a replay, use the Record button on the timeline or use the shortcut Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (OSX).

Next: League Champion Spotlight: Ezreal


  • Eliminated some inconsistencies with how Control Wards reveal and disable wards
  • Lucian’s Passive – Lightslinger now correctly fires a second shot if it kills a champion on the first attack
  • Lucian’s W – Ardent Blaze no longer fails to hit enemies in brush or Fog of War
  • Fixed a bug where Zyra’s seeds from both W – Rampant Growth and Passive – Garden of Thorns weren’t respecting their spawn cap
  • LeBlanc’s Q – Shatter Orb no longer fails to bounce to enemies with Passive – Sigil of Malice if LeBlanc is too far away
  • Fixed a bug where Riven’s E – Valor could cancel crowd control applied by displacement abilities
  • Ahri no longer occasionally extends the attack range of the first basic attack of targets hit by E – Charm after the charm effect wore off. Oops.
  • Shaco’s Passive – Backstab attacks now appropriately generate overheal shield from The Bloodthirster
  • Camille’s second cast of Q – Precision Protocol now correctly damages wards at level 16 and higher
  • Fixed a bug where Anivia’s empowered R – Glacial Storm indicator was visible through Fog of War
  • Syndra’s Dark Spheres are no longer displaced by Blast Cones. Something something minions…
  • Fixed a bug where Zyra’s dead body could intercept ARAM’s snowball. Whoops.
  • Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearby Kha’Zix evolves an ability
  • Fixed a bug where if Quinn E – Vaulted Gangplank at the same time as he triggered a E – Powder Keg explosion on multiple targets, it made for one fast pirate
  • The range indicator for Rengar’s Passive – Unseen Predator is now consistent across all skins.
  • Trundle no longer speaks over himself when using R – Subjugate if he’s already talking
  • Fixed a spectator bug where after skipping forward or backward, Ethereal DJ Sona would sometimes leave disembodied chunks of her gear on the map
  • Guardian of the Sands Skarner no longer causes an insanely loud noise to play if certain actions were taken
  • Fixed a few display bugs on Mac with the on-hover outline that appears around units
  • When an Azir kills another Azir with a different skin, the dying Azir no longer steals his killer’s skin’s death animation particles
  • Emumu’s bandage particles during R – Curse of the Sad Mummy are once again appropriately emo
  • Popstar Ahri’s R – Spirit Rush no longer uses on-hit particles from Foxfire Ahri
  • Lulu and her skins once again play their running animations when hasted, rather than walking really really fast
  • Sad Robot Amumu’s W – Despair puddle no longer spins around as Amumu changes which way he’s facing
  • The ambient glow effect on the Hextech Ward skin no longer cuts in and out on some video quality settings
  • Fixed a bug causing Omega Squad Teemo’s night vision goggles glow while Invisible to be active at all times
  • The mirror reflection of River Spirit Nami’s staff is now reattached to the staff’s surface, rather than the ground
  • Fixed a bug where various buff visuals (ex. Banshee’s Veil) weren’t following Riot Blitzcrank around during his recall animation