Breaking down exactly what Damage Rating is

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Riot Games has recently announced a new and improved way of measuring LCS player performance for League of Legends. It’s called Damage Rating. Here’s a breakdown of exactly what it is.

League of Legends plans to measure the damage done by Summoners in the Esports scene by Damage Rating. Simply put, Damage Rating is how much more damage a player outputs with a certain champion than expected. This makes the stat a much simpler number than Damage Per Minute (DPM). It’s a weird stat in League of Legends unless you follow baseball and are used to insane stats.

DPM used to calculate the average damage a player did while in the range of an opponent. While this was good it really didn’t account much for variation between champions and how the rest of the League Championship Series did with that champion.

Now, Damage Rating (DR) takes all these things into account. It looks at the average damage done with a certain champion over the course of 10 weeks. It then compares the numbers from the game which was just played and looks at how much more or less damage was done. This way, we can look at a simple percentage number and be able to see how well our favorite ADC is doing.

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What is great about Damage Rating is that when you look at it for each game, it is unique to the champion being played. Instead of having to look at Renekton’s DPM and see that it’s lower than Jarvan IV’s, you don’t have to worry about the uneven results of that stat comparison.

Now, with Damage Rating, the viewers will know exactly how good the player is on each individual champion. Less guesswork is always better for viewers. The new approach to this important statistic shows how the LCS and Riot Games are investing in League of Legends. Like the game itself, they are constantly reassessing what is working for the benefit of their company and their audience.

By constantly adapting and changing, they have managed to stay not only relevant in a world where games come and go, but grow massively and expand the LCS to new regions. This is why we love League of Legends and the success behind it to continue growing in the Esports scene.

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