Recasting the Marvel Cinematic Universe with League of Legends champions

Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), War Machine/James Rhodey (Don Cheadle), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), War Machine/James Rhodey (Don Cheadle), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
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Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), War Machine/James Rhodey (Don Cheadle), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), War Machine/James Rhodey (Don Cheadle), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is set to release its most ambitious picture yet with the coming Avengers: Endgame. In honor of this coming event, we’ve decided to recast the MCU with champions from League of Legends.

Previously we re-imagined the Game of Thrones cast as League of Legends champions. Now, it’s time to do the same for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As the MCU ends an unforgettable era today with the release of Avengers: Endgame, we pay homage to this landmark by re-casting the most iconic characters with champions from League of Legends. As with last time, we’re focused more on archetype than pure personality matches, and in this case, we’ll also consider the superhero’s “kits” and how similar they are to an existing LoL champion.

Tony Stark / Iron Man = Viktor

Viktor is a champion in the lore of League of Legends that is obsessed with “perfecting” the human form through Hextech augmentation. Much like Tony Stark’s drive to “improve” himself after his capture and near-death experience and then subsequent obsession with creating even better Iron Man suits, Viktor continues his quest to upgrade his weapons and defenses in order to become the most formidable foe possible.

More from League of Legends

Steve Rogers / Captain America = Garen

The guy we previously compared to Ned Stark, it makes sense that Garen would be cast as the most wholesome Avenger in Captain America. Cap is all about protecting the weak, duty, loyalty, and honor. These are all catch phrases that Garen will just shout at random while he is attacking.

Yeah, Cap is a bit nimbler than Garen is, and Garen has a sword rather than a shield. But is there any doubt that Garen is the only League of Legends champion who would admonish others for bad language?

Thor = Pantheon

Well, we don’t really have a “buff dude with a big hammer” or “guy who wrecks face with lightning blasts” in League of Legends (unless you count Poppy and/or Volibear), so instead let’s match up Thor with another literal God in Runeterra. Pantheon is the Celestial Aspect of War and the Warrior, much like the Asgardians are ancient Nordic gods. Thor isn’t the God of War, but as his actions in the original Thor movie show, he’s definitely not anti-war.

Bruce Banner / Hulk = Gnar

You thought it was gonna be Dr. Mundo didn’t you? Just because Mundo is the perfect parallel to the Hulk both in look and attitude (Hulk definitely goes where he pleases) doesn’t mean that he’s the perfect match to Hulk and Banner.

Instead, we picked Gnar because he best represents Hulk in both forms. When he’s small he’s kind of annoying but also cute and endearing. But when he rages out…well you better not be near a wall. Gnar smash!