We break down today’s series between DRX and Damwon.
Today, the quarterfinal round of Worlds 2020 kicked off with a rematch of the LCK Finals. The reigning LCK champions, Damwon gaming, took on DRX in a best-of-five series for a spot in the semi-finals.
When these teams last met in the LCK Finals, it was Damwon who came out victorious in a three-game sweep. With a chance for revenge, the question on everyone’s minds was whether DRX could put up a better showing, or even get revenge with a series victory over one of the favorites at Worlds.
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3 Word Recaps
*The winning team is in bold
Game 1: Dawmon vs. DRX – DRX is scaling
North American teams get a lot of crap for their passive playstyle, so we have to rag on DRX for appearing to take on that strategy. For forty minutes they sat back and stalled out the game until Damwon finally just rolled over the team with Nuguri getting some beautiful fights on Kennen.
Game 2: DRX vs. Damwon – Not splitpush comp
DRX’s draft was Jax, Nidalee, Galio, Senna, Taham Kench. You would think that this team would want to have Jax in the sidelane with Galio able to quickly join him with his ult. Unfortunately, instead, they seemed content to group, have Jax leap into the enemy team, and lose every teamfight going up against an Ornn/Aphelios/Graves trio.
Game 3: DRX vs. Damwon – To the airport
Just like in the LCK finals, Damwon finished off their prey with a 3-0 sweep. It was the fastest of all three games, ending at just over 25 minutes in, but at least DRX had the solace of managing to hold a slight gold lead for about ten minutes in the mid game. With that loss, DRX are eliminated and Damwon advances to the semifinals.
MVP of the Series
Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu (Damwon, Jungle)
While a lot of the praise got heaped onto top laner Nuguri and support BeryL for their strong play on tanks and great engages, I’m giving my MVP award to the guy who died all of one time in the three game series. Canyon was all over the map today with over 70% kill participation and high DPM on Kindred in Game 3.