League of Legends: New Battle Queen and Elderwood Skins

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Let’s preview the new Elderwood and Battle Queen skins coming next patch!

Two skin lines are seeing new additions in Patch 10.25. The existing Elderwood line is getting new skins while the brand new Battle Queen skin line is seeing its first skins with the release of the new champion Rell. Let’s review the new skins to see if they are worth your RP investment.

Elderwood Rakan

This skin will cost 1350 RP and have all the effects you get with a skin of that price. The Elderwood theme does fit Rakan, so no issues there. I’m even ok with the color scheme, but I’m just not in love with this skin, compared to the other skins I already have for Rakan.

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Elderwood Xayah

This one is also 1350 RP and, like Rakan’s skin, comes with all the effects. My take here is similar to Rakan: it’s a good theme and color scheme, but I don’t just want to rush out and buy it. I guess you could do worse for the lover’s duo in the skin department, but I think star guardian is the superior skin for both of them.

Elderwood Ornn

This skin was teased a bit earlier than the others in the line. It will also cost 1350 RP and have all the standard new effects. Most importantly, it is cool to finally have a new Ornn skin, so fans should be excited.

I think the Elderwood skin looks cool and is different than his Thunder Lord skin. I see no reason to not buy it if you like Ornn. Plus with 100% of the sales from this skin going to the Riot Games  Social Impact Fund, it’s a way to give back.

Elderwood Ivern

Another 1350 RP skin with new effects to add to a shortlist of Ivern skins. The forest theme works well and the darker color scheme is different than we usually see for Ivern, but now that I’ve seen it I don’t like it.

Riot, don’t try to make serious skins for Ivern. Ivern is a fun-loving Dunkmaster or Candy King, not an edge-lord, dark-forest, magic-wielder. So of the new Elderwood skins, I dub this the worst of the lot.

Elderwood Azir

The final new Elderwood skin goes to Azir at 1350 RP. At first glance, I wasn’t a fan of the theme they choose. Looking at it again, though, I changed my mind and think it looks pretty cool. Plus Azir is pretty lacking in skins, so it’s nice to see him get a more recent offering.

Battle Queen Rell

Battle Queen Rell is the release skin for the brand new champion and will cost 1350 RP. It’s not  a bad offering for a release skin, but I hope she gets other skins that don’t just add armor in the future.

Battle Queen Janna

This skin looks fantastic. Like I’m strongly considering buying the skin and playing way more Janna because of it. It does kind of look like her Sacred Sword skin, but it’s still so good looking I don’t mind the overlap in theme. Spend the 1350 RP and pick this one up.

Battle Queen Katarina

This is quite the elegant-looking skin with a red/pink and gold color scheme.  It’s definitely a strong addition to her already-strong skin collection. Curiously, this skin seems more like it belongs in the Valentine’s Day skin line so that’s a bonus if you’re a (literal) Katarina lover.

This skin is a legendary-class and will be priced at 1820 RP. It will have a new voice line over to go with the other new effects.

Battle Queen Qiyana

This is another sharp-looking skin and the theme fits well with Qiyana as well. It is rather surprising she’s getting another skin so soon though (she got a True Damage skin last November), but I don’t mind because it looks so good. It will cost 1350 RP.

Battle Queen Diana

First off, the splash art just looks fantastic, but the skin itself looks fantastic too. I really like the red and silver color combination. Diana has alot of really good looking skins and this is one that continues the trend.

The Prestige edition looks ok too but it’s just like a gold chroma. That’s nothing we haven’t seen before, though, when it comes to Prestige skins.

It’s going to be 1350 RP for the base skin and 2000 event tokens for the prestige. Diana players should enjoy another quality skin being added to her list of options.

Overall the new Elderwood skins look decent, but the Battle Queen line looks to be a home run. I don’t feel like there are any of the Battle Queen skins that aren’t great looking. I absolutely recommend buying these.