League of Legends: The Champion Attractiveness Tier List
By Josh Tyler
With Valentine’s Day on the way, many League of Legends fans may be left heartbroken and alone. If you are one of the many players putting the “solo” in “solo queue” this Valentine’s Day, you may be looking to the world of Runeterra for the next object of your affection. Riot has previously been criticized for hyper-sexualizing its characters, which has led to some players having thoughts about the attractiveness of the game’s champions.
From the whole “Ezreal and Shyvana” Reddit saga to the recent reunion of Senna and Lucian, there are plenty of players ready to indulge in fantasies between characters. While the focus is often on pure looks, personality also matter too! The big question is, which champions are among the most attractive?
F Tier – Monsters
Either physically or emotionally, these champions are not ones you want to cuddle up next to at night.
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- Aatrox
- Alistar
- Amumu
- Anivia
- Aurelion Sol
- Blitzcrank
- Brand
- Cho’Gath
- Elise (Spider Form)
- Fiddlesticks
- Hecarim
- Karthus
- Kassadin
- Kha’Zix
- Kindred
- Kog’Maw
- Malphite
- Malzahar
- Maokai
- Mordekaiser
- Nautilus
- Nocturne
- Willump
- Ornn
- Rammus
- Rek’Sai
- Renekton
- Rengar
- Shyvana (dragon form)
- Sion
- Skarner
- Tahm Kench
- Thresh
- Urgot
- Vel’Koz
- Volibear
- Warwick
- Xerath
- Zac
D Tier – Inappropriate
They’re a bit too young or there are some bestiality concerns that should really make you reconsider.
- Annie
- Azir
- Cassiopeia
- Fizz
- Gnar
- Kennen
- Lillia
- Lulu
- Nami
- Neeko
- Nidalee (cougar form)
- Nunu
- Orianna
- Rumble
- Taliyah
- Teemo
- Tristana
- Twitch
- Veigar
- Wukong
- Yuumi
- Ziggs
- Zoe
- Zyra
C Tier – Toxic
Sure, they might be physically attractive, but you just know they are going to break your heart and leave you alone and crying after getting demoted.
- Aphelios
- Camille
- Darius
- Diana
- Dr. Mundo
- Evelynn
- Jhin
- Jinx
- Kalista
- Kayn
- Leblanc
- Lissandra
- Morgana
- Pyke
- Riven
- Shaco
- Singed
- Sivir
- Swain
- Talon
- Trundle
- Varus
- Viego
- Vladimir
- Zed
B Tier – Friendzoned
Great personality, plenty attractive…but they’re not it. For whatever reason, you just always see them as a friend that you can party with and get some LP.
- Bard
- Corki
- Galio
- Gragas
- Heimerdinger
- Illaoi
- Ivern
- Jax
- Kled
- Lee Sin
- Leona
- Master Yi
- Nasus
- Poppy
- Quinn
- Sejuani
- Shen
- Soraka
- Viktor
- Xin Zhao
- Yorick
- Zilean
A Tier – Love Interest
Definitely someone you’d like to end up with. They’re physically and emotionally attractive and they’re down to share your interests. Like banning Riven every game.
- Akali
- Braum
- Caitlyn
- Draven
- Ekko
- Elise (human form)
- Irelia
- Jarvan IV
- Karma
- Katarina
- Kayle
- Lux
- Miss Fortune
- Nidalee (human form)
- Olaf
- Pantheon
- Rakan
- Rell
- Ryze
- Samira
- Senna
- Seraphine
- Sett
- Sona
- Sylas
- Syndra
- Tryndamere
- Twisted Fate
- Vayne
- Yasuo
S Tier – The One
This is the champion that you want to put a ring on and main forever. They’re the perfect match for you, like a game where all players are on their main roles.
- Ahri
- Ashe
- Ezreal
- Fiora
- Garen
- Graves
- Janna
- Jayce
- Kai’Sa
- Lucian
- Qiyana
- Shyvana (human form)
- Taric
- Udyr
- Vi
- Xayah
- Yone