League of Legends: Ranking All the Best Alistar Skins

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Alistar is a champion who not only often pops up into the pro meta, but who can be a decently strong, not too difficult champion to play. But picking the best Alistar skins is no easy task, with fourteen skins to choose from.

From Black to the new Lunar Beast skins, we are going through all of Alistar’s skins, ranking them from worst to best. Let’s see which skins are rated as the worst and which are rated the best.

14. Longhorn Alistar

Price: 520 RP

There are some skins that might be a bit more expensive than Longhorn, but this skin is just so clunky and bland it doesn’t justify spending any money on the game. Even if it’s just a pittance.

13. Matador Alistar

Price: 975 RP

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An older, and more expensive skin, than the Longhorn skin, Matador Alistar has a cleaner look than Longhorn. It’s not fancy, by any means, but it looks great considering that it’s an older skin.

12. Black Alistar

Price: Unavailable

The Black Alistar skin was one of the first League of Legends skins released ever. It was issued with the League of Legends collector’s edition and has never been made available for sale in the shop. So the rarity is enticing, but honestly, the skin itself is ugly.

11. Golden Alistar

Price: 975 RP

Many might scoff at my putting Golden Alistar ahead of Black Alistar, but if we’re going purely by the quality of the skins, Golden wins out. It’s not flashy, but the look is clean and simple.

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10. Unchained Alistar

Price: Unavailable

Another special skin that isn’t available to buy in the game or obtain from loot boxes, Unchained Alistar could be confused with the base skin. That said, this skin is better-looking than the Black skin, so it’s a better flex.

9. Marauder Alistar

Price: 750 RP

I may be in the minority with this opinion, but I think that all the Marauder skins are incredibly ugly. The cow’s is no exception, as the champion model looks bulky and odd. It’s a cheap skin and plenty of pro players seem to like using it, but I think there are better options for players.

8. Sweeper Alistar

Price: 750 RP

Another of those skins from back when Riot put out skins with major sporting events (in this case the World Cup). It’s really not that notable, but it’s a decent and unique design, at least.

7. Conqueror Alistar

Price: 975 RP

Even though this is a newer and cheaper skin, it really lacks any sort of theme or effects that make it special. It looks like a blend between SKT and Marauder Alistar, so it appropriately fits between the two.

6. SKT T1 Alistar

Price: 975 RP

The skin given to recognize Wolf’s performance as part of the 2015 SKT T1 team that won Worlds. This skin has some new effects and animations that are pretty notable and interesting, but nothing that stands out to justify a higher position.

5. Infernal Alistar

Price: 975 RP

Of all the “simple” skins that don’t have new animations or ability effects, Infernal Ali is undeniably the cleanest-looking. There’s a reason most pro players will equip this skin in games. Even though it’s lacking, the look of the red-horned minotaur is pretty nice.

4. Blackfrost Alistar

Price: 1350 RP

The effects and new animations on the Blackfrost skin are quite good, and should warrant this skin being among his best. The big problem Blackfrost Ali runs into is that his character model is hideous. He looks like a pile of Amethyst that would be a low-quality Malphite skin. That drags this skin down.

3. Hextech Alistar

Price: 10 Gemstones

Most of the Hextech skins are pretty rough to look at, but Ali’s is actually decent. The dark blue and purples fit his theme and he gets a nice twist on his “unchaining” in the recall animation. If you have the gemstones, this skin’s not a terrible investment for them.

2. Lunar Beast Alistar

Price: 1350 RP

The skin isn’t particularly pretty to look at and the effects on Ali’s abilities are fairly underwhelming. However, the Lunar Beast skin also contains the cow’s best recall in the game. Watching him serve up some dumplings only to have a Little Legend ruin them all is the sort of tomfoolery I love to see in a League of Legends skin.

1. Moo Cow Alistar

Price: 975 RP

There was no doubt that this would be the top skin on this list. If you have a fever, the only prescription is the Moo Cow skin and all its cowbell. The rest of this skin could be utter trash, but the cowbell animation would be enough to put it at the top of the list.

And, for the record, the Moo Cow skin is incredible even outside that animation. It looks silly, but incredibly detailed, the recall animation where he feeds kittens milk is adorable, and the animations on his ability come with a cowbell and moo sound effect that you can’t help but laugh at. Add that to the very reasonable 975 RP price, this is an easy skin to rank number one.