Check out the NA LCS power rankings as we head into Week 8 of the Summer Split.
Things are getting intense in the NA LCS as there are only two weeks remaining in the regular season of the Summer Split.
As anticlimactic as it is, it looks like we already know the six teams that will make the playoffs (unless something drastic happens with Team Envy and Apex). However, the seedings are still up for grabs, and that can be exciting to follow.
TSM and Immortals will be the top two seeds, but the rest can have a lot of variations as Team Liquid and Cloud9 are tied for third at 8-6 and Team Envy and Counter Logic Gaming are tied for fifth at 7-7.
The other thing to pay attention to is the promotion tournament. The last three teams in the standings will have to compete with Challenger Series teams to retain their spots in the NA LCS, and those three teams are currently Echo Fox, Phoenix1 and NRG Esports.
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The first two teams should be locked in for the tournament, but the final spot is up for grabs between NRG and Apex as the two are only separated by one match.
It will be fun to track all of this as the regular season comes to an end, but it’s bittersweet as it still feels like the Summer Split was just beginning.
That’s just how things go, though.
With all that, here are the NA LCS power rankings heading into Week 8 of the Summer Split.
Next: 10. Echo Fox, 9. Phoenix1