Delta Fox is an incredibly costly mistake for Echo Fox

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Delta Fox is comprised of the most popular League of Legends streamers on Twitch, and they are the only people Echo Fox scrims against. This seems like a poor decision based on their performance so far.

Delta Fox’s performance in the League of Legends NA LCS is bad. If they are the only team scrimming against Echo Fox, it’s hardly surprising that even Phoenix1 was able to beat Echo Fox.

Since the announcement retooling the way NA LCS is organized, Echo Fox recruited some of the most well-known streamers into their Challenger team, Delta Fox. Shortly after, they announced that Echo Fox would only be scrimming against Delta Fox. At the time it created a lot of press for the team but where are the results?

On the Delta Fox side, they haven’t won a single series in the challenger competition. The first game they won was last week against Gold Coin United. That’s right. Not series. Their first game win.

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They are currently the lowest ranked team in the NA Challenger Series. A team that can’t beat the challenger teams in a best of three. This is the only team Echo Fox is practicing against. Let that sink in.

This can’t be good practice for Echo Fox. In order to improve, top tier players need to be matched against equal or higher skill opponents to stay competitive.

While Scarra, Dyrus, Voyboy, Shiphtur and Imaqtpie are incredibly talented individuals but a Challenger Series win can’t be carried by a single player like solo queue. Being able to compete as a strong team is an essential part of the professional scene and this is something which Delta Fox can’t offer their LCS brethren.

This has been evident in their lack of competitiveness against the stronger teams in the NA LCS. They have only beaten teams which are in the lower half of the bracket. Anytime they have faced off against the top teams in North America (CLG, TSM, C9), they have lost. The loss to Phoenix1 is particularly troubling because they are the 1 in Phoenix1’s 1-7 record.

There has been some analysis out there saying that this is a good thing but looking at it a few weeks into the split, it may be fair to say that this is actually a big error for the organization.