League of Legends free champion rotation – March 11

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

The new free champion rotation for League of Legends was released yesterday. Which champions are best for you to pick up and try out this week?

Every week, League of Legends offers up a roster of 14 champions for players to try out for free. Here at Blog of Legends, we break down this weekly free champion rotation to see which available champions are your best bet to learn, both in terms of ease, position, and cost to buy after you’ve tried them out!

Azir, the Emperor of the Sands

Role: Mage

Lane: mid

Cost: 6300 Blue Essence (BE) / 975 Riot Points (RP)

Difficulty: 9/10

Comments: A very difficult champion with a lot of complex mechanics and a unique playstyle. Not recommended for beginners or even intermediate players to learn, and probably the worst choice for new players among this week’s free champion rotation.

More from Champion Rotation

Bard, the Wandering Caretaker

Role: Enchanter/Caster

Lane: support

Cost: 6300 BE / 975 RP

Difficulty: 7/10

Comments: A fun, but very unique support champion with a lot of skill shots and ways to misplay easily. Not recommended for beginners.

Draven, the Glorious Executioner

Role: Marksman

Lane: bot

Cost: 4800 BE / 880 RP

Difficulty: 8/10

Comments: While his lore is dope, Draven requires a lot of mastery to work effectively. He’s fairly immobile and scales poorly, making him an ideal choice for an experienced player, rather than a beginner.

Graves, the Outlaw

Role: Marksman

Lane: jungle/bot/top

Cost: 4800 BE / 880 RP

Difficulty: 6/10

Comments: Graves can be a fairly forgiving champion if you’re new to jungle, as he excels more at farming and clearing than ganking. He can be played in multiple roles effectively, making him a good choice to learn if you’re an intermediate new player.

Janna, the Storm’s Fury

Role: Enchanter/Caster

Lane: support

Cost: 1350 BE / 585 RP

Difficulty: 2/10

Comments: A great introductory support for new players, Janna’s kit is fairly straightforward: shield your allies and ult whenever the enemy is forcing an engage. Great choice for a beginner who is focused on shielding their allies.

Lucian, the Purifier

Role: Marksman

Lane: bot

Cost: 6300 BE / 975 RP

Difficulty: 4/10

Comments: One of the more forgiving AD Carries because of his mobility, Lucian is generally a good starter marksman because of his simple kit. He does take a lot of time to master, however, and his high cost to purchase can dissuade new players who don’t have enough BE to buy him.

Nami, the Tidecaller

Role: Enchanter/Caster

Lane: support

Cost: 4800 BE / 880 RP

Difficulty: 6/10

Comments: Similar to Bard and Janna, Nami can heal and protect her allies with great effectiveness. However, she has two easy-to-miss skill shots in her kit that are also critical to her effectiveness, which makes her one of the more challenging supports for a new player.

Nasus, the Curator of the Sands

Role: Fighter/Juggernaut

Lane: top

Cost: 1350 BE / 585 RP

Difficulty: 3/10

Comments: If you need to learn how to farm (and the importance of farming), Nasus will teach you really quick. With his simple kit and infinitely scaling ability on his Q, Nasus is a fantastic choice if you want to learn top lane.

Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare

Role: Slayer/Assassin

Lane: jungle/mid/top

Cost: 4800 BE / 880 RP

Difficulty: 3/10

Comments: Nocturne is typically played as a jungler and has a pretty straight-forward kit for a new player to learn. He also has a clear “gank now” button with his ult, which is a great tool for a new player in learning about gank timings.

Rek’Sai, the Void Burrower

Role: Fighter/Diver

Lane: jungle

Cost: 6300 BE / 675 RP

Difficulty: 7/10

Comments: Rek’Sai is a powerful jungler with a lot of cool ways to get around the map. Unfortunately, she relies on a few key combos (flash+unburrow) and her changing forms can be quite confusing for a new player to handle.

Teemo, the Swift Scout

Role: Marksman

Lane: top

Cost: 1350 BE / 585 RP

Difficulty: 2/10

Comments: Teemo is a great champion if you’re new and trying to learn top lane. His kit is easy to learn, but hard to master, as there are a lot of tips and tricks with regards to placing his mushrooms in key spots. Be warned, though, if you play this guy everyone (on your team and the opponents) will hate you.

Volibear, the Thunder’s Roar

Role: Fighter/Juggernaut

Lane: jungle/top

Cost: 4800 BE / 880 RP

Difficulty: 1/10

Comments: Extremely simple kit with no skill shots to hit and a passive that heals you tons when you get low on health, Volibear is a great choice for a beginner learning to top lane or jungle, and the best pick for any new player picking someone up from this week’s free champion rotation.

Yorick, the Shepherd of Souls

Role: Fighter/Juggernaut

Lane: top

Cost: 4800 BE / 880 RP

Difficulty: 4/10

Comments: Yorick is also a fairly simple champion, but his kit does have a few odd tweaks you need to understand like how his ult works, how to use your ghouls effectively, and how to hit some skill shots. Still, any champion whose identity is “run at your enemy and fight” is a safe recommendation for new players.

Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert

Role: Mage/Artillery

Lane: mid/bot

Cost: 4800 BE / 880 RP

Difficulty: 6/10

Comments: We actually did a full breakdown of Ziggs here so check it out if you want a deep dive into his champion profile. He’s a decent choice to learn for a beginner-to-intermediate mid laner.

Which member of the free champion rotation are you looking forward to playing? Let us know in the comments below!