TFT Tier List: The Best Units and Comps in Patch 10.15

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

We give our TFT tier list for Patch 10.15 to show the best units and comps.

Patch 10.15 didn’t provide many changes to some of the biggest offenders from the meta in the last patch, but some of the weaker champions like Darius, Graves, and Master Yi. As a result, our updated TFT tier list doesn’t have a whole ton of changes due to the patch, but rather due to how Tacticians adapted to the previous patch.

In our latest TFT tier list, we’ll break down why Jhin is still the best carry in the game, why the Shredder comp has made a resurgence, and the return of Astro/Sniper comps. All that and more in our Patch 10.15 TFT tier list!

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Champion Tier List

S tier: Lulu, Janna, Jhin (⇑), Thresh (⇑), Ekko, Gnar, Xerath (⇑)
A+ tier: Fizz (⇑), Urgot (⇓), Ashe (⇑)
A tier: Soraka (⇑), Riven, Viktor (⇓), Wukong (⇑), Karma (⇑)
B tier: Jarvan IV (⇑), Irelia (⇓), Rakan (⇑), Teemo, Nautilus, Aurelion Sol (⇓), Gangplank (⇓), Neeko (⇑), Jinx (⇓), Cassiopeia (⇓), Lucian, Jayce, Syndra (⇑)
C tier: Shaco (⇑), Mordekaiser (⇑), Xayah (⇑), Ahri (⇓), Rumble (⇓), Blitzcrank, Vi (⇓), Caitlyn, Xin Zhao (⇑), Ezreal (⇓), Master Yi
D tier: Shen (⇓), Graves, Kog’Maw (⇓), Yasuo, Darius, Leona, Poppy, Malphite, Zed (⇓), Annie (⇓), Vayne (⇓), Zoe (⇑), Bard (⇓)
F tier: Illaoi (⇓), Fiora, Twisted Fate (⇓), Ziggs, Nocturne

Class Tier List

S tier: Mystic (⇑)
A+ tier: Sniper (⇑), Mana-Reaver (⇑)
A tier: Protector (⇑)
B tier: Infiltrator (⇓), Sorcerer (⇓), Brawler (⇓), Starship (⇓), Mercenary (⇓)
C tier: Vanguard (⇑), Blademaster (⇓)
D tier: Blaster (⇓)
F tier: Demolitionist (⇓)

Origin Tier List

S tier: Celestial (⇑),
A+ tier: Dark Star (⇑)
A tier: Star Guardian, Astro (⇓), Chrono
B tier: Cybernetic (⇓), Mech-Pilot, Battlecast (⇓), Space Pirate
C tier: Rebel (⇓)
D tier:
F tier: 

Best compositions

In accordance with our rankings of the best champions, Classes and Origins, we now give you our best comps in Patch 10.15 based on the rankings from our TFT tier list. This will denote the units you should buy in each comp, as well as the best supplemental synergies to pair those comps with. We will also include any variations, advantages, or disadvantages to be aware of in specific Galaxies, if applicable.

We will put an asterisk next to the units that should be the main focus of these comps, to get to 2 or 3-stars and put items on. Note that when we recommend specific units of a Class/Origin but omit others for your pairings, we are saying these are the options we would consider to be above average or worthwhile additions to your comp.

  • Astro/Snipers: Jhin (*), Teemo (*), Nautilus, Gnar, Caitlyn, Ashe, Wukong, Lulu
    • Fast 8 comp (spend gold to level rather than prioritizing accumulating low-cost carries).
    • Round out this comp with
      • Bard (instead of Nautilus) against heavy magic damage comps.
    • Galaxies this works well in
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to level quickly and get to carries OR to get items for your carries).
      • Plunder Planet (more gold allows you to level quicker and buy the more expensive units).
      • Galactic Armory (you’re likely to get at least a few item components needed for Jhin/Teemo like BF Sword, Brawler’s Gloves, or Recurve Bow).
  • Celestial/Blademasters: Xayah (*), Fiora, Jarvan (*), Rakan, Shen, Riven, Lulu
    • Hyper roll comp (make sure to go for 3-star Xayah, Jarvan, Fiora, in that order).
    • Round out comp with
      • Xin Zhao (instead of Rakan).
      • Ashe (if you’re able to get a BotRK, put it on her and drop Riven).
    • Galaxies this works well in
      • Trade Sector (free re-rolls to help during the hyper roll phase).
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to bank and save for the hyper roll levels).
      • Plunder Planet (more gold for rolling and most players will be pushing a Fast 8 in this galaxy).
  • Dark Star/Snipers: Jhin (*), Karma, Xerath (*), Mordekaiser, Jarvan IV (*), Shaco, Ashe
    • Fast 8 comp (spend gold to level rather than prioritizing accumulating low-cost carries).
    • Round out the comp with
      • Lulu (if you’re able to hit Level 9 or if you want to just drop Mordekaiser for Wukong).
      • Wukong and Caitlyn instead of Ashe/Shaco (for Chrono, Vanguard, and Snipers).
    • Galaxies this works well in
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to level quickly and get to carries OR to get items for your carries).
      • Plunder Planet (more gold allows you to level quicker and buy the more expensive units).
      • Galactic Armory (you’re likely to get at least a few item components needed for Jhin).
  • Protector/Mystics: Rakan, Jarvan IV (*), Cassiopeia (*), Karma, Soraka, Lulu, Urgot
    • Slow roll comp (make sure to go for 3-star Cassiopeia, Xin Zhao, Rakan, in that order).
    • Round out comp with
      • Xin Zhao (if you’re not able to get Protector’s Chestplate for Cassiopeia).
      • Ashe (for Celestial).
    • Galaxies this works well in
      • Trade Sector (free re-rolls to help during the slow roll phase).
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to bank and save for the slow roll levels).
      • Plunder Planet (more gold for rolling and most players will be pushing a Fast 8 in this galaxy).

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Concluding notes

While there’s not much more these aggregations can tell us with certainty with regards to comps or items, here is what the data from our TFT tier list can tell you about what to look for within your next Teamfight Tactics game.

  • Fast 8 is still the dominant leveling strategy in Patch 10.15, especially given how much priority has been put onto Jhin.
  • I would expect BF Sword, Brawler’s Gloves, and Recurve Bow to be the most-prioritized items in Patch 10.15 based on how strong Snipers (particularly Jhin and Ashe) are in this patch. Chain Vest, Negatron Cloak, and Tears will also still likely be high-priority, while Giants Belts and Needlessly Large Rods are likely the lowest priority.