TFT Tier List: The Best Units and Comps in Patch 11.1

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

We give our TFT tier list for Patch 11.1 to show the best units and comps.

Patch 11.1 is the last patch before the mid-set update, as the next patch will bring in the Festival of Beasts. But, before we get to all the big changes that are in the pipeline, there’s one final TFT tier list of Set 4 on the current patch.

In our TFT tier list for Patch 11.1, we’ll break down the top-performing comps. Let’s see if any of the five traits that are about to leave Teamfight Tactics are viable and how to use those units in your comps before you leave.

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Champion Tier List

S tier: Yone, Sett, Shen, Zilean, Azir, Ashe, Jhin, Riven, Warwick
A+ tier: Kayn, Ahri (⇑), Cassiopeia
A tier: Aatrox, Lee Sin (⇓), Morgana, Sejuani (⇑), Lillia,
B tier: Ezreal (⇓), Kalista, Yasuo, Katarina, Kindred (⇑), Irelia (⇓), Talon, Kennen (⇑), Zed (⇑), Jinx (⇑)
C tier: Yuumi, Jax (⇓), Thresh, Nidalee, Lux (⇓), Akali, Evelynn, Diana (⇑), Veigar, Janna, Pyke, Garen, Nami (⇓), Teemo (⇑)
D tier:  Vayne, Fiora, Xin Zhao (⇓), Vi (⇓), Aphelios (⇑), Nunu, Annie, Jarvan IV (⇓), Lulu, Lissandra (⇑)
F tier: Sylas, Elise, Maokai (⇓), Wukong, Hecarim, Twisted Fate, Tahm Kench


⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)

Origin Tier List

S tier: The Boss, Exile
A+ tier: Ninja (⇑), Tormented, Cultist
A tier: Dusk, Warlord, Divine (⇓), Spirit (⇑)
B tier: Elderwood, Enlightened
C tier: Fortune (⇑)
D tier:
F tier: Moonlight

Class Tier List

S tier: Emperor, Adept, Mystic,
A+ tier: Hunter (⇑), Keeper
A tier: Shade (⇑), Sharpshooter (⇑), Brawler
B tier: Duelist (⇓), Dazzler, Mage (⇑)
C tier: Vanguard, Assassin
D tier:
F tier: 

Best compositions

In accordance with our rankings of the best champions, Classes and Origins, we now give you our best comps in Patch 10.25 based on the rankings from our TFT tier list. This will denote the units you should buy in each comp, as well as the best supplemental synergies to pair those comps with. We will also include the best Chosen units or traits you should be looking for to make these comps work.

We will put an asterisk next to the units that should be the main focus of these comps on our TFT tier list, to get to 2 or 3-stars and put items on. Note that when we recommend specific units of a Class/Origin but omit others for your pairings, we are saying these are the options we would consider to be above average or worthwhile additions to your comp.

  • Adept/Hunters: Irelia, Kindred, Ashe (*), Shen, Warwick (*), Sett, Yone, Zilean
    • Standard Leveling (accumulate gold but make sure to level at appropriate breakpoints).
    • Round out this comp with
      • Nunu (for Brawlers with Sett)
      • Ezreal (for Elderwood with Ashe)
    • Ideal Chosen
      • Adept (Yone > Shen > Irelia)
      • Hunter (Ashe > Warwick > Kindred)
      • Elderwood (Ashe > any)
      • Brawler (Warwick > Sett)
      • Divine (Warwick > Irelia)
      • Full Hunters: Kindred (*), Ashe (*), Warwick, Aphelios, Yuumi, Shen, Yone
        • Standard Leveling (accumulate gold but make sure to level at appropriate breakpoints).
        • Round out this comp with
          • Irelia (for Adept with Shen and Yone)
          • Ideal Chosen
            • Hunters (Kindred > Ashe > any)
            • Dusk/Cultist: Vayne, Thresh, Aatrox, Cassiopeia, Jhin (*), Riven (*), Lillia, Zilean
              • Standard Leveling (accumulate gold but make sure to level at appropriate breakpoints).
              • Round out this comp with
                • Teemo (for Sharpshooters with Chosen Vayne/Jhin)
                • Azir (for Keepers with Riven)
                • Ideal Chosen
                  • Sharpshooter (Jhin > Vayne > any)
                  • Dusk (Riven > any)
                  • Keeper (Riven > any)
                  • Cultist (Jhin > Aatrox > Zilean > any)
                  • Divine/Duelists: Yasuo (*), Fiora, Jax (*), Kalista, Lee Sin, Yone
                    • Slow roll (econ to 50 gold and only spend/roll your interest above that, trying to acquire as many Yasuos/Jax as possible).
                    • Round out this comp with
                      • Irelia (for Divine with Jax, Lee Sin)
                      • Shen (for Adept with Yone)
                      • Ideal Chosen
                        • Duelist (Yasuo > Jax > any)
                        • Divine (Jax > Lee Sin > Irelia)
                        • Adept (Yone > Shen)