Miss Fortune is one of the oldest champions in League of Legends, yet remains competitively viable and strong in solo queue. As she is one of the easier champions in League of Legends, she is often a favorite champion of the mass playerbase. Therefore, her skins are always going to be in demand.
From Arcade to Candy Cane, we are going through all of Miss Fortune’s skins, ranking them from worst to best. Let’s see which skins are rated as the worst and which are rated the best.
13. Waterloo Miss Fortune
Price: 520 RP
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There’s not much to say about this skin other than it’s terrible. The model looks like a worse version of her Captain skin (which isn’t impressive to begin) and it has no new animations or effects. Pass on this one.
12. Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Price: 975 RP
Not only is the champion model not very impressive, not only does this skin lack any new effects or animations, but it’s more expensive than some of her cheap, older skins. At least this skin isn’t as gag-inducing to look at as her Waterloo one.
11. Road Warrior Miss Fortune
Price: 520 RP
Another “meh” skin without any effects or animations. Like the Waterloo skin, Road Warrior’s champion model is very unimpressive, but it’s a cheap skin.
Check out the best Miss Fortune skins in League of Legends!
10. Candy Cane Miss Fortune
Price: 975 RP
There’s a reason this skin didn’t even crack the top-20 of our list of the best Christmas skins in League of Legends. It’s very basic and flat but it costs almost 1000 RP. On the plus side, it is a decent skin if you’re in the holiday spirit.
9. Pajama Guardian Miss Fortune
Price: 1350 RP
I don’t know if I’ve ever ranked a high-tier skin this low before. The animations and new effects that come with the skin are nice, but the model is just so damn ugly. The champion looks like a very stupid cartoon and the new effects are just not enough to justify paying this high a price.
8. Captain Miss Fortune
Price: 975 RP
It’s a basic skin, but thematically and by the champion model, it fits with MF very nicely. It’s not spectacular, but it’s a solid skin, albeit a little pricey.
7. Cowgirl Miss Fortune
Price: 750 RP
Another basic skin, I do at least appreciate that this skin has a unique recall animation. For as cheap as it is, I can overlook the fact that the champion model is wholly bland.
6. Crime City Miss Fortune
Price: 975 RP
Formerly Mafia MF, this skin gets ranked so high because the motif just fits the champion so perfectly. It’s not incredibly dynamic in terms of effects and it’s a bit higher-priced than it deserves, but the champion model looks spectacular.
5. Pool Party Miss Fortune
Price: 1350 RP
The Pool Party skins are usually extremely high-quality, and MF’s is no different. While the champion model and projectiles both look very cool, I’m afraid they just didn’t quite do enough with the new animations or other ability effects to sell it above the other higher-cost skins. It’s worth a buy, for sure, but it’s outpaced by some others.
4. Bewitching Miss Fortune
Price: 1350 RP
Similar to the Pool Party skin, Bewitching just misses the mark of being a “for-sure-buy” skin in my mind. In this case, however, I think the champion model is a bit lacking, while some of the animations (particularly her recall) and effects (her ult in purple looks gorgeous) make her worth the price.
3. Gun Goddess Miss Fortune
Price: 2775 RP
It’s one of the most expensive skins in all of League of Legends, bringing all the bells and whistles of new animations and effects. It has several variants for further customization. It’s a great skin. The only question is whether this skin is good enough to warrant a 2775 RP price tag?
I have to say no. While this skin is very good, I don’t think it’s worthy of being up against a skin like Elementalist Lux. Consider that for the price of this skin, you could buy both the top two skins on this list. And still have some RP left over.
2. Arcade Miss Fortune
Price: 1350 RP
I am a massive fan of the Arcade skins, and MF’s entry into the line is a worthy one. The effects and animations are wonderful and the theme fits with MF’s kit perfectly. This skin is definitely worth buying.
1. Star Guardian Miss Fortune
Price: 1350 RP
The difference between the Star Guardian and the Pajama Guardian skins is massive. While Pajama Guardian MF looks cartoonish and dumb, Star Guardian MF looks like a slightly better-drawn cartoon.
What really separates this skin from the others, though, are her effects and animations. The star effects on MF’s ult with this skin are becoming iconic and her recall animation is pure anime/Disney princess stuff. This is an easy skin to get behind and buy if you have the RP.