TFT Tier List: The Best Units and Comps to Play in Patch 10.12

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

We give our TFT tier list for Patch 10.12 to show the best units and comps.

Well, we are here finally. With Patch 10.12, the mid-set update is officially here and a bunch of new traits, champions, and item reworks are live in Teamfight Tactics. If you’re still trying to figure out how all these new units fit together and which are strongest, our TFT tier list is here to help!

We’ll break down where Astros and Battlecasts fit in the meta, along with a breakdown of how strong the three other new units (Vayne, Riven, and Zed). Let’s see how our TFT tier list looks after the mid-set update!

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Champion Tier List

S tier: Lulu, Thresh (⇑), Urgot (*), Riven (*), Janna (*), Ekko (⇑), Wukong (⇑), Aurelion Sol (⇑), Irelia
A+ tier: Viktor (*), Xerath (⇑), Jhin (⇑)
A tier: Gangplank (⇓), Soraka (⇑), Fizz
B tier: Jinx (⇓), Vi (⇓), Blitzcrank (⇓), Lucian, Teemo (*), Ashe (⇓), Ezreal (⇑), Nautilus (*), Vayne (*)
C tier: Annie, Zed (*), Rumble (⇓), Shen (⇓), Syndra (⇑), Cassiopeia (*), Karma (⇑), Rakan, Caitlyn (⇑), Ziggs (⇑), Xayah (⇓), Ahri, Jayce,
D tier: Shaco (⇓), Neeko (⇑), Twisted Fate (⇓), Yasuo (⇑), Kog’Maw (*), Bard (*), Xin Zhao (⇑), Leona (⇑), Malphite (⇓), Fiora, Jarvan IV, Poppy (⇑),  Mordekaiser (⇑), Darius, Master Yi (⇑), Graves (⇓),
F tier: Zoe, Illaoi (*), Nocturne (*)

Class Tier List

S tier: Mana-Reaver (⇑), Starship (⇑)
A+ tier: Brawler, Mystic
A tier: Mercenary (⇓), Protector (⇑), Sniper (⇑), Blademaster, Infiltrator
B tier: Vanguard (⇑), Sorcerer (⇑)
C tier: Blaster (⇓)
D tier: Demolitionist
F tier:

Origin Tier List

S tier: Astro (*), Chrono (⇑)
A+ tier: Celestial
A tier: Cybernetic, Battlecast (*)
B tier: Star Guardian (⇑), Rebel,
C tier: Dark Star, Mech-Pilot (⇓)
D tier: Space Pirate (⇓)
F tier: 

Best compositions

In accordance with our rankings of the best champions, Classes and Origins, we now give you our best comps in Patch 10.12 based on the rankings from our TFT tier list. This will denote the units you should buy in each comp, as well as the best supplemental synergies to pair those comps with. We will also include any variations, advantages, or disadvantages to be aware of in specific Galaxies, if applicable.

We will put an asterisk next to the units that should be the main focus of these comps, to get to 2 or 3-stars and put items on. Note that when we recommend specific units of a Class/Origin but omit others for your pairings, we are saying these are the options we would consider to be above average or worthwhile additions to your comp.

  • Celestial/Protector: Xin Zhao (*), Rakan (*), Urgot (*), Jarvan, Ashe, Lulu
    • Hyper roll comp (roll for Xin, Rakan, J4 in that order)
    • Round out this comp with
      • Soraka (for Mystics)
      • Viktor (for Battlecast)
    • Works well in
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to econ and roll down at 3-1).
      • Medium Legends (more time to get econ and roll at Levels 5/6).
      • Trade Sector (always good for a hyper roll comp).
      • Neekoverse (to shortcut hyper roll)
  • Cybernetic/Blademasters: Ekko, Lucian, Vi, Irelia (*), Leona, Fiora, Riven (*), Thresh
    • Push 8 comp (spend gold to level rather than prioritizing accumulating low-cost carries).
    • Round out the comp with
      • Gnar (for Brawlers)
      • Wukong (for Vanguards)
    • Works well in
      • Neekoverse (to guarantee you get a 2-star Irelia/Riven).
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to level quickly and get to carries OR to get items for your carries).
      • Medium Legends (more time to get to higher levels and carries).
  • Chrono/Snipers: Caitlyn, Ashe, Jhin (*), Teemo (*), Wukong, Blitzcrank, Shen
    • Push 8 comp (spend gold to level rather than prioritizing accumulating low-cost carries).
    • Round out comp with
      • Karma (for Dark Stars).
      • Lulu (for Celestials).
      • Nautilus (for Vanguards).
    • Works well in
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to level quickly and get to carries).
      • Medium Legends (you’ll likely lose early rounds, so more health to play with later).
      • Superdense (with 10 units at max levels you can have both Karma and Lulu for Mystics OR Nautilus + Gnar for Astros).
  • Astro/Brawlers: Teemo, Jhin (*), Gnar (*), Nautilus, Blitzcrank, Vi, Malphite
    • Push 8 comp (spend gold to level rather than prioritizing accumulating low-cost carries).
    • Round out comp with
      • Vayne (you can switch with Jhin as the primary carry).
      • Wukong (for Chrono and Vanguard).
      • Riven or Thresh (for Chrono).
      • You can also go Caitlyn and Vayne/Jhin for 4 Snipers plus you get Chrono.
    • Works well in
      • Treasure Trove (more money early to level quickly and get to carries).
      • Superdense Galaxy (to guarantee getting 9 units so you can go Snipers as well).
      • Medium Legends Galaxy (you’ll likely lose early rounds, so more health to play with later).

Next. A Beginner's Guide to TFT. dark

Concluding notes

While there’s not much more these aggregations can tell us with certainty with regards to comps or items, here is what the data from our TFT tier list can tell you about what to look for within your next Teamfight Tactics game.

  • There’s a fair mix between hyper roll comps and late game-centric comps, but overall the strongest units are almost exclusively 4 and 5g. My recommendation would be to always level for a fast Level 8 so you can get to those priority carries quickly.
  • Between the two new traits, Astros is clearly the stronger Origin out the gate. Every Battlecast outside of Urgot and Viktor are C tier or lower.
  • That said, I’m a bit surprised to see Bard isn’t more-highly prioritized. He is weak as a unit, yes, but his ability giving you free experience is invaluable if you’re doing a fast Level 8 strategy because it will save you tons of gold.
  • I would expect BF Sword and Recurve Bow to be the most-prioritized items in Patch 10.12 based the champions that were rated highly in this TFT tier list. Brawler’s Gloves, Needlessly Large Rods, and Giant’s Belts will also still likely be high-priority, while Tears, Chain Vests, and Negatron Cloaks are likely the lowest priority.